Bloomington-Normal IL is a busy metropolitan area with many opportunities for businesses to bud and grow! S&S is committed to providing lighting and signage to represent the brands you know best and keep Bloomington-Normal IL aglow. Let us know how we can be your sign company in Bloomington IL!
If it lights up the Bloomington-Normal area, then we provide installation, repairs, and maintenance for it:
We can get you wired! At S&S Signs we provide both commercial and residential electrical services. Our technicians are highly skilled and can help you with your home or business. If you are looking for an electrical contractor in Bloomington-Normal, IL you can rely on a service that is affordable, reputable, and efficient – say YES to S&S!
At S&S we will help you cushion your energy bill and earn you generous rebates! We understand that part of meeting the needs of business owners in Bloomington-Normal, IL is meeting your bottom line. S&S is proudn to be affiliated with Ameren’s Act On Energy initiative and we provide incentives for small businesses too!
Trust S&S for your signage, lighting, and electrical needs. We are your sign company in Bloomington, IL!