Oh, what a difference a new sign can make! You can’t miss the new S&S. Signs Lighting and Electrical business sign. Our new sign is a bright letterbox sign with a red neon tube that creates an eye-popping halo around it. The impact that a stunning new sign can make is unmistakable. The benefits of a new lit business sign to your business are numerous. Now that you have taken in the new S&S sign, let’s take a look at the benefits of a lighted business sign, and the types available. There is one that is just perfect for your business!
Lighted business signs are durable. They are made of materials that are specifically created to withstand the elements. As a result, little maintenance is required. In addition, they are visible 24 hours a day, every day. Every person that passes your storefront (at and time!) will be able to see your brand and its values brightly represented. Lighted signs are fully customizable, so as a business owner, you can choose, for example, a programmable sign to deliver different messages you wish to convey. Lastly, there are many options to choose from, so you can select the type of sign that best represents your business.
Cabinet signs: Also referred to as backlit signs, these electrically lighted signs shine light through a luminous panel.
Channel letter signs: These are custom-made metal or plastic letters that are often illuminated internally. They are generally three-dimensional, creating depth as well as shining brightly.
Digital signs: Using LCD technology, these signs can convey digital images, video, weather information, restaurant menus, text, and more.
Neon signs: An electric sign that uses luminous gas-discharge tubes that glow, as they contain rarified neon and other gases.
Pylon signs: A lit pylon sign is a stand-alone sign often seen next to roadways. They are most often made with an aluminum or steel frame with a rigid face. These can be lit with your message on one side or both.
Now that you see the impact a beautiful sign can make, we hope you feel inspired! If you are considering installing a new or updated sign for your business, S&S Signs Lighting and Electrical would love to help. S&S offers quality signage and competitive prices designed for local businesses in the Peoria area. We have a qualified team that gives you fast, detailed service. We are the electrical contractors everyone relies on for accuracy, skill, and affordability. Contact us today to get started!